About Me

Hello Again!

So to speak a little bit about me, I am a 24 year old woman who has seen a lot and experienced much. I have been in situations that only God could have pulled me out of. I’ve been in a fire, been homeless, faced heavy financial insecurity at multiples times in my life, got kicked out of college, came back to college, have dealt with abuse of all types, and we are only just scratching the surface. God has brought me through many things and it’s thanks to him that I am still alive and well.

I’ve known of God all of my life but I had just started taking him more seriously in 2021. That is where my life changed, drastically. I moved into a new environment, met several people, learned things about myself that I never even knew of, and grew to learn to love hearing from God as well as speaking to him. When I reached 24 years of age, I was in a space where I wasn’t being as close with the Lord. I still spoke to him but not as much as I could’ve. Then one fateful day, I prayed that God lead me back to him. And that is what he did. Soon, I was in consecration with the Lord dealing with multiple deliverance and healing. After a gruesome but faith filled 40 days of fasting, I came out a new woman with a new mindset. Gone was the old, and the new was here. The Lord had plans for me as he soon ushered me into working for the kingdom. That is when several of my businesses were built and God seems to not be stopping in terms of what he needs for me to do in the kingdom of God.

My Passion

My passion is to help people become better than how they were yesterday. But not in a “worldly” sense of things but in a Godly sense. Sometimes, I find, that in the world, you only see the cup half empty. You don’t see it for it’s full capacity and so you are not able to fully “fill” your cup. God does just that. First he empties you out and then he fills you back up with his goodness, his spirit, his love, and his fruit. My passion is to help others recognize that they are not finished yet. That the Lord is still working on them. Whether we are broken and bruised or feel as though they can run miles, God still has healing for all of us. We are like a chasm of undiscovered mysteries and God slowly reveals himself us by revealing to us, him.

My Goals

My goals are to bring as many people to the Lord as I possibly can. Just for them to get to know him and for them to see him. My goal is to not force others to follow the Lord but rather for me to get as many people to know that the Lord is good and that his drink cures all thirst. In a way, I am trying to get as many people to the water so that, on their own inclination, they can drink from the fountain of everlasting water.