Our services are meant to pour into you and help you grow in Christ. Whether you are a “seasoned” believer or are just beginning your walk with him, there is something for you here. Let the Lord lead you to which services will help you best in your particular season.

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This Is Where Transformation Begins.
Much of our resources, whether that be a prayer, a Bible study, an encouraging word, or a prophecy (led by the Holy Spirit) can be found on YouTube. We wanted to make our ministry as easily accessible as possible.
However, if you are in or near Boston, Massachusetts and would like to go to a physical church, we offer a recommendation to go the Deliverance Temple of Worship, which can be accessible through Facebook and YouTube if you are not able to attend physically.
Why Living Faithfully?
Living Faithfully, like many other ministries available, is here to teach and grow you spiritually. Allow God to pull you to the direction you need to be. Ask for his guidance on whether this community and ministry is right for you. And we pray, no matter the answer, that God will continue to grow you into the person he has called you to be.